I So want this as my wedding song =)
I love this song, because it touches my heart.
It is sang from the father's point of view.
tells of his daughter,
how she's heaven sent,
how she grows up,
how they pray together,
her first pony ride,
her first attempt at baking,
her sweet sixteen-she's growing up,
from ribbons & curls to perfumes & make-ups,
how she looks more like her mom each passing day,
all the way to her wedding day.
she'd change her name,
he'd have to give her away,
when she asks him what's on his mind,
he says he can't help but think,
that he's losing his baby girl.
the dad says that,
"if I had done wrong,
I must've done something right,
to deserve..."
a hug every morning.
her love every morning.
butterfly kisses at night.
It just tugs my heart strings, you know?
To have a dad say such things about you,
and to think he thinks so greatly about you.
Sigh..*wipes a tear away*
Butterfly kisses
-the flutter of one's eyelashes onto another person.