Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Mist

The latest show I've watched was The Mist

Quite a great show.

The show revolves around the after-effect of a terrible storm.
People head onto the supermarket to stock up.
Its not long before a thick mist clouds over.
That's when the show truly begins.

A man runs in with a bloody nose,
screaming for them to close the door,
saying there was something in the mist that caught his friend.

The story soon unravels the mystery beings in the storm,
and how the need for survival speaks out loud and clear.

the poignant point of this story,
the part which struck me the most,
was the need for survival.

how you throw a bunch of panicked distressed people,
and all hell breaks loose,
you can see how easily people conform,
what lengths they are willing to go,
just to survive.

what saved the quite draggy storyline,
was the ending,
a complete and utter twist. =)

I would recommend this show.

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